Friday, January 31, 2014

Sequin Love

Blouse: J Crew Factory  Sequin Top: J Crew, Similar Heels: Elle
Bracelet: similar, similar
As you may already know, Sean and I took a short vacay to Asheville last weekend. I wanted to take the opportunity to wear something funky and fun! It was SO cold and windy that day, so I had to hurry during the photo op! We found these columns of graffiti and I thought and they were so neat and abstract. Asheville is full of contracted (and non contracted) graffiti, and is a big hipster town. We saw a lot of tutus, and leggings...I loved it :-) Such a funky style.
I honestly don't wear heels often. When it comes to my feet, I am more for comfort and prefer flats, but these heels aren't bad at all!
In other news: Tomorrow I will be in search for bridesmaid dresses so wish me luck! I cant wait to spend time with my girls!
Happy Friday! <3

Monday, January 27, 2014

Wedding Planning: Three Important Dresses Other Than Your Wedding Dress

Now, we all know that our wedding dress is one the most important subject matters of the wedding. It can also be one of the hardest dresses to choose. For me, I was lucky to find my first try. I tried on other dresses as well, but when you know... you know.
Now, other than our wedding dress, there are three VERY important dresses that brides may not think about until last minute.
1. Bachelorette party dress
2. Shower dress
3. Wedding rehearsal dress
I am giving a sneak peak pic of the fabric of my three dresses. I actually purchased the latter two last spring with the occasion in mind. They have sat in my closet ever since waiting for the occasion (still waiting!!) I found my shower dress, and wedding rehearsal dress at Sister Kate's boutique.
If you are looking for something unique, I encourage you to shop around at your local boutiques.
Now, I am calling my number one dress my "Bachelorette Dinner" dress. I am keeping it low key and going out to dinner with the girls, but wanted to have a fun dress! What is better than sequins for a fun dress! I also scored it 50% off! #deal
Number two: My number two dress (shower dress) is one I would call a classic piece. Remember ladies, these will be pictures you will look back on the rest of your life so find something that is classic, class-y, and something you feel great wearing!
Dress 3: Wedding rehearsal attire. You want everyone to know YOU are the bride :-) Brides traditionally wear white, off-white, ivory etc so I chose a cream, knee length dress, with gorgeous beading.
Choose something that you feel marvelous in. It doesn't have to be the most expensive dress out there! As long as you feel great, you will be glowing!
*Don't forget to like Pearls and Pinstripes on Facebook to get the latest blog postings :-)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why Every Woman Needs Pearls


Shirt: JCrew  Cardigan: JCrew  Bag: Michael Kors
Coat: Sister Kate's  Watch: Tag Heuer
I think it is only appropriate that I do a blog on the importance of a strand of pearls, being that it is incorporated in my blog name. I have always had a thing for pearls. Pearls to me are elegant, they are feminine, and last but not least they are classy. Take this outfit for example. I am wearing a t-shirt (with embellishments), a simple pink cardigan, and pearls which take the outfit to a different level. They go with dresses, blouses, t-shirts...a vast variety!  Every woman should have their own strand! Valentine's day is coming up ladies so clue your men in... you know they need "hint dropping" for ideas. :-)
This weekend Sean and I took a mini vacation to Asheville, NC for a friend's wedding. It was so nice to get away from the regular routine of life and enjoy time together. We were able to meet up with Sean's sister, and spend time with her, which is always a joy.
Tomorrow is back to the work grind! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and is staying warm!
<3 Kayla


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Maxxin' It...

These are my three fab TJ Maxx finds today... First of all, TJ Maxx can be hit or miss, and today it was a hit! My mom and I went just to see what they had in the home good section, and then ventured over to the purses... They had just restocked a bunch of Michael Kors items, and did we hit the jackpot! I found this gorgeous kelly green Michael Kors wallet for half price! 
I also spotted Essie nail polish which is normally $7 dollars a bottle and bought these for $4 a piece. I mean, this is the way to go! 
My search for the perfect ring holder has been ongoing for a few months, and I stumbled across across this one in the impulse shopping section... You know the tables next to the checkout line... It was $5! What a deal. 

Coming soon I will have a post on Urban Decay's makeup setting spray, and a new eye pallet I purchased!

Thanks for reading <3 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Flannel and Boots


Shirt: JCrew  Scarf: JCrew (sold out) similar  
Boots: Michael Kors 
Boy is it windy today! I was finally able to take some pictures for the blog, and I am so happy! It has been too long... I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I started looking at bridesmaid dresses today and there are way to many to choose from. It doesn't help that I am very indecisive when it comes to picking things out like this. I think we have narrowed it down though, thank goodness!
I have had people ask me lately how to have a versatile wardrobe on a budget. One rule of thumb for myself is do not buy something if it isn't on sale. Stores will always run a sale whether it be a coupon they send out, etc so wait until they have a sale. If not, try to find something similar that is a better price! I like to buy things I can layer and turn it into a different outfit. For example, if I were to wear a fur vest over this shirt and VOILA... it completely changes the look.
I was gifted these gorgeous Michael Kors boots for Christmas, and let me tell you, they are so comfortable. Although they are a higher price point, they will last a long time for many seasons to come and they go with so many different things.
A versatile wardrobe is all about finding items that will match a lot of different things. I try to stay with neutral tones and then add a pop of color. That way I can wear my neutrals year round!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

My "Rules" for the New Year

We have just entered into a new year and this year has a lot to hold! I wanted to share some of my own personal rules that help keep me sane with a crazy on-the-go lifestyle! 

1. If you set a resolution and break it, don't get discouraged! You can always get back on track! I do this with clean eating. Man do I enjoy sweets! It's good to have them every now and then, just in moderation ;-) 

2. It's ok to take time to relax. The other day I sat down and tried to remember the last time I was at home all day with nothing to do, and I honestly had no clue. It had been months since I had been home for a whole entire day (on the weekend). So I cancelled plans, and made it my goal to do nothing but stay at home and to get things finished around the house. I felt so refreshed on Monday! It is ok to take time  to do things for yourself. :-) 

3. Be accepting of your spouse's hobby! I giggle when I say this because mine is obviously shopping! Sean tells me he doesn't see how I could possibly want more clothes...Sean's hobby is his cars. Our driveway currently has 5 vehicles, a boat, and a motorcycle which drives me insane (OCD) but this makes Sean happy... We accept eachothers hobbies! 

4. Pay it forward. I truly believe in this act. Always think of others before yourself. Be kind to people you don't know (and the ones that you do!). Your kind action may turn their terrible day into a better one. That's why I love southern hospitality. 

5. Stay positive. It is very easy to get frustrated. But just remind yourself that we have a great life...The things that frustrate us are minor in the long-run! 

Happy New Year!